Mustafa Ulusoy, Nadire Emel Akhan, Arcan Aydemir, Serpil Demirezen, Turhan Çetin, Gökçe Kılıçoğlu, Emine Karasu Avcı, Sadettin Erbaş, Ahmet Utku Özensoy, Nilgün Dağ, Damla Yıldırım, Nagihan Uysal, Samet Çiçek, Adem Uzun, Ömer Türksever, Fitnat Gürgil Ulusoy, Selçuk Altunel, Ayşegül Çelik Geldi, Rumeysa Bilginer, Alparslan Ünsal, Ayşe Çiftci, Ümit Yel

Research On Social Studies Education İn The 100 Year Of The Republic Of Turkey/ Nadire Emel Akhan Mustafa Ulusoy ; Gökçe Kılıçoğlu , Turhan Çetin - 1 - Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık 2023 - 242

The dizzying change in the century we are living in shows itself in the field of education as in many other fields. This situation causes changes in the field of education, especially in primary, secondary and higher education programmes, as well as in the curricula and course contents at the relevant education levels. This process necessitates a change in the research conducted in the related field. This work, which was written with the aim of revealing the effects of this change with the studies conducted in the field, consists of 13 chapters that include studies such as root value, concept teaching, good and effective citizenship, immigration, privacy education, the use of web 2.0 tools in education, differentiated teaching activities for gifted students in the field of social studies education. We hope that the book prepared in the field of social studies education will be a work that can be a resource for researchers, undergraduate and graduate students who are and will be working in the field.


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